placeable space stations, more work about tunnelling

Dealing with tunnelling is most of the work I've done in this post. The racemesh structure is more complicated and is becoming speed dependent, but tunnelling got worse after I made the racer trigger tail follow the velocity of the ship. Perhaps the instability of the object constantly having its transform set outside of the physics engine is the problem there, but it is important to have the long tail that only faces inverted velocity, rather than swinging all around. I would experience tunnelling at significantly lower velocities occasionally, which would have affected even normal gameplay. At present, however, for most of the hoops in the spacedrone , it appears to be stabilized and at this point has been stable all the way up through my tests with vh gameplay. I can't guarantee that VH will be stable for all players, because there is no technical speed limit, but when I made a course around 3 placeable space stations and played it, I didn't experience tunnelling and felt it was representative of an average expectation. I will do more testing in the future to see where the limit is, but am satisfied with general improvement for now. I am confident that short of intentionally testing it, most players using the basic arena size presented in the scenes should not experience tunnelling on any of the stock settings. (at least, not such that the racemesh doesn't register the ship passing through it. ,, it is just as possible as ever to get stuck in another object if you hit it at high velocity, but I won't worry about that problem, it's outside of the scope of my development. The tunnelling I am concerned with is the kind that results in the course not advancing a checkpoint once it should have been triggered) 

There are 20 placeable space stations. They are not "lowpoly" but by modern standards it's fair to call them lowpoly. They are mid-tier graphics quality,, comparable to ps3 and such. I really like the spacestations pack, and included all of the default space stations. I plan to make some freight cans out of the pack as well. One thing I like about it, is that it increases the weight of the one graphics style in the game, bringing some degree of balance with it. The various textures are of various qualities, which can make for a "random and unpolished" feel for the game,, but if this is balanced properly then it can feel less random, and more intentionally "multi-graphics-style". I really like this effect, as I want my game to be compatible visually with both low-poly and high-poly objects and environments. A racing game can tour through different graphics qualities just as it can tour through other sorts of themes, and this is an important "feel" I would like to present. 

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