Player Placeable Cameras

Player Placeable Cameras! 

These cameras are placeable objects, just like rings, checkpoints, and docks, and dockable weights. THey can be repositioned, deleted, and added again. Each of the two placeable cameras can only exist one at a time, so if one is placed, the other instance of that camera will automatically delete. The camera placements should save like any other object, and load like any other object back into their placed locations. 

The cameras can be zoomed, and pointed. 

Along with the cameras, the Loader has a new , longer , freight container (with missiles!! ) and a new more visually logical freight bay. I also added some rings that were between the other two ring sizes featured in the Loader objects,, to allow the player to make it a bit easier than squeezing through the small ones, but not so easy as the large ones. As it was a new vehicle, I hadn't worked out the ideal ring sizes, so have experimented a bit with it by now. 

During this time,, I also investigated getting some rotation assist using a PID controller,, but found that Unity is difficult to work with on PID controllers, all the way besides the fact that I have to learn them from the ground up in the first place. However, there are some simpler PID controller examples in Python, which I found to behave oddly in Unity, and upon further research discovered that implementing a PID for translation would go relatively smoothly, while doing so with rotation would be virtually impossible without going around the physics engine somehow. As I do not wish to include translation stabilization,, at least not without rotation stabilization, all stabilization is basically on hold unless I learn something really important,, or actually unity changes. 

Lighting is always hard,, once I tried to put player placeable lights into the game and found that to be outrageous,, I will look at that again in the future but perhaps this is also one of those things that just doesn't work well with Unity. Lighting is one of the more CPU intensive tasks, so Unity has all of these "baking" features where lights basically long story short don't work well as player placeable. 

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